
They’re growing up in a new age; one that demands more technical expertise and creativity. Progressive Academy students are exposed at a young age to advanced technology skills in class and as a part of available extracurricular work.

Progressive Academy electives in technology include robotics, programming, CAD/3D Modelling, 2D graphics, photography,  videography, and stage sound and lighting tech, and electronics.

Kindergarten students are introduced to logic, which then becomes the programming and robotics program starting in grade one. In grade two and above all students are involved in competitive FIRST Robotics as part of their class work. Starting in grade four, students are also able to take technical roles in our yearly stage productions, which can see them learning a variety of skills from construction to stage lighting.

Extracurricular clubs at lunch hour and after school also offer exciting opportunities to learn, including our electronics club which gets students working with microprocessors and building things such as wearable tech. For students in grade seven and up, there’s also the opportunity to join our higher level FIRST Robotics competitive team.